Sunday, January 4, 2009

You have to start somewhere!

Starting a web presence with your artwork can be very daunting. However, I will embrace this venture with enthusiasm. I have set some goals for the new year which include starting a blog, creating a website and researching venues for my artwork.

Last year I took an art marketing action workshop with Alyson Stanfield. The wealth of information and enthusiasm that ensued excited me to become a salon leader to hold marketing salon meetings in my area. The materials gleaned from my workshop and in the material outline provided by Alyson for the marketing meetings inspired me to set my goals for 2009.

The monthly marketing meetings are proving to be both informative and energizing, spuring us to new heights. With our numbers growing, the marketing meetings will be a staple in 2009. If you have a chance to take a workshop with Alyson Stanfield, it will be well worth your time and money. This woman is not only chocked full of marketing knowledge for the artist, but she also has the charisma to excite and energize everyone in the room.

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