Monday, March 9, 2009

Words of Wisdom

While surfing the internet, I came upon Kevin Weckbach's space on the MySpace Website. While reading Kevin's posts, it became apparent to me that this artist has a wealth of information to discuss about the intricacies of painting. I plan to read all of the posts and so should you.

Kevin Weckbach's art has been described as fluid, poetic, abstract work that is a pure expression of the artist himself. The Abend Gallery of Fine Art has this listed this about him: "His work is very sophisticated in the intellectual structure, the brush work and how Weckbach leads the viewer with color. Yet the work has spontaneity and freshness and conveys much with simplicity. Truly an exciting and talented artist. Art is a whole way of understanding. There is a difference between someone who looks at the world with their eyes, opposing one who sees the world through their eyes. Kevin is one who can see. Not only in an artistic way, but depicted in a logical manner with all sincerity of mood."

I enjoy reading ANYTHING about art. It is second to creating my art. It is a huge part of my life that I will always have to sustain me through hard times. As I find other tasty morsels on the Internet I will be sharing.....

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